Wednesday 4 June 2014

There's not really a map, you know that, right?!

I had a little thing on twitter so I could figure out a name for this blog. Approval eventually came from the lovely Miss South, who backed me up in the first place.

My GP suggested I try this, cheerfully informing me that she was not at all an expert, she just wanted to help me. It's been so long since anyone wanted to help this problem. IBS is a bit of a comic disease it would seem, and since doctors can't really solve it, you are often left on your own to deal with it.

I am not a nutritionist (though thankfully I have remembered I know a couple) so though I understand what my doctor gave me to read, I'm not sure whether I can really explain what I'm not/eating. Thankfully lots of people have done the research, so here are some links for you to have a look at.

Good answer here from WebMD

A lil' bit of Wiki:

The food list I am using until I can speak to a dietician:

I really hope this takes off:

and of course the people who actually did the research

Last night we had success with fodmap friendly fishcakes. They were even good cold. We made them with some frozen Basa fillet that was in the freezer. I asked my dear husband how he made them, and he answered "I looked in that Good Housekeeping book. I just switched stuff for gluten free flour and stuff".


As I said, I knowingly ate wheat over the weekend and the ensuing discomfort is leading me to believe that wheat/gluten might be part of the problem. In the immortal words of Tori Amos, "there's a bowling ball in my stomach...and a desert in my mouth"...... I find this pretty scary to be honest, since I love bread with a passion. However I have honestly long suspected that I might need to eat less bread........................... Lets see....

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